CLASSES: March 28th thru April 6th, 2025
Pre-course work available at:
Course Description: S130/S190/L-180/IS-100 Basic Wildland Fire Behavior and Firefighter Training Prerequisites: None Prework: None Introductory course designed to train entry-level firefighters. Basic Incident Management organization, firefighting techniques, suppression equipment, safety/tactics and fire behavior. Includes L-180 and IS-100 courses. Course includes simulated field exercises, IMT Briefing and optional overnight fire campout. Those individuals who have taken the online course will be able to sign up for the "Field Exercise" only, to complete the basic requirements. Instructor Contact Time: 38-40 hrs. Course Description: S-131- Advanced Firefighter Type 1 Prerequisites: FFT-2 Prework: None This course is designed to continue your Wildland firefighter training. It contains tactical decision games, facilitate learning and strategy objectives. Designed to train Incident Commanders Type 5 to identify environmental factors and indicators of hazardous fire conditions and how to use these indicators with the Risk Management Process. Instructor Contact Time: 12hrs. Course Description: S-200- Initial Attack Commander Prerequisites: Single Resource Boss Prework: Yes Designed to meet the training needs of the incident commander type 4 (ICT4). It is presented in a discussion/exercise format. The six instructional units include Foundation Skills; Intelligence Gathering and Documentation; Size Up the Incident; Develop a Plan of Action; Post-fire Activities; Evaluating Incident Objectives and Manage the Incident. Evaluation of the student is by unit tests and performance based evaluations. 3 hrs classroom, required Pre-course work. Instructor Contact Time: 16 hrs. Course Description: S-211- Portable Pumps and Water Use Prerequisites: None Prework: None This course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to design, setup, operate, troubleshoot, and shut down portable water delivery systems. The focus is on portable pumps – it does not address water delivery for engines. Topics covered include: portable water delivery systems; equipment; roles and responsibilities; and system design and hydraulics. There is also a field exercise where students will apply what they learned in the classroom. Instructor Contact Time: 24-32hrs. Course Description: S-212- Wildland Fire Chain Saws Prerequisites: FFT-2 Prework: Yes Course provides introduction to the function, maintenance and use of chainsaws. Field exercises support entry level training for firefighters, providing hands-on cutting experience in surroundings similar to fire line situations. Instructor Contact Time: 24-32hrs. Course Description: S-215- Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface Prerequisites: FFT-1 Prework: None Course is designed to assist structure and Wildland firefighters who will be making tactical decisions when confronting Wildland fires that threaten life, property, and the environment in the Wildland Urban Interface. Units include interface awareness, structure size-up, initial strategy, structure triage and protection, Public relations, follow up, and firefighter safety in the interface. Instructor Contact Time: 16 hrs. Course Description: S-230- Single Resource Crew Boss Prerequisites: FFT-1 & S-290 Prework: Yes Classroom course designed to produce firefighter proficiency in the performance of a Single Resource Boss in a Crew. Topics include operational leadership, preparation and mobilization, risk management, entrapment avoidance, safety and tactics, offline duties, demobilization and post incident responsibilities. Instructor Contact Time: 24hrs. Course Description: S-231- Engine Boss Prerequisites: FFT-1 & S-230 Prework: None Designed to produce firefighter proficiency in the duties associated with Engine Boss (ENGB) single resource. Topics include engine and crew capabilities and limitations, information sources, fire size-up considerations, management of an engine on an incident, safety and tactics, in and around Wildland Urban Interface situations. Instructor Contact Time: 12-16hrs. Course Description: S-270- Basic Air Operations Prerequisites: None Prework: Yes This course covers aircraft types and capabilities, aviation management and safety for flying in and working with agency aircraft, tactical and logistical uses of aircraft, and requirements for helicopter take-off and landing areas. Note: The regulations, procedures and policies addressed in this course are primarily those governing federal agency and ICS operations. State, county, or other political subdivisions using this course will need to consult their agency having jurisdiction with respect to regulations, procedures and policies. Instructor Contact Time: 16hrs. Course Description: VI- Vehicle Inspections Prerequisites: None Prework: None Learn what it takes to get your Engine through Ground Support Inspections. Equipment Inventory and Engine requirements needed for fire assignments. Instructor Contact Time: 4hrs. Course Description: Advanced Firefighter First-aid for non-EMS personnel Prerequisites: None Prework: None Have you ever been first on scene and wished you could do something for the patient, like take a blood pressure or give them oxygen until EMS arrives? How confident do you feel about delivering a baby if EMS is late? These topics and many more are covered in this Advanced Fire Fighter First Aid course. This course does fulfill the requirements for the NMSFMO Firefighter First Aid course. This course does NOT fulfill the requirements for the NMEMT-FR, Basic, I or P level course. “Emergency Responder” curriculum by Brady. This course meets or exceeds the curriculum for the NM State Fire fighter Training Academy pre-requisite for Structural Firefighter 1. This course is slightly less than a NMEMS Bureau certified First Responder. A person completing this course will not need to complete a State test or submit to EMS Bureau regulations for NM EMS personnel. Instructor Contact Time: 17 hrs Course Description: Civilian Chainsaw Prerequisites: None Prework: None Geared towards common homeowners who want to know more about chainsaw safety, maintenance and general use. Not intended for chainsaw certification for Fire Departments or other Federal agencies. Required equipment: Personal chainsaw, protective eye wear, and gloves. Instructor Contact Time: 6hrs. Course Description: Civilian CPR and Civilian First Aid Courses Prerequisites: None Prework: None First Aid: Come join to learn how to help yourself, family, or friends learning basic first aid. You will learn how to help with breathing problems, bleeding, bites, stings, hot & cold emergencies, heart attacks, strokes , and more. This also fills the requirements for firefighter training. CPR: Come learn to help family and friends if their hearts stop by learning CPR and the use of an AED. This also excepted for firefighters and EMT training and licensing. Instructor Contact Time: 4hrs Course Description: Responder CPR Prerequisites: None Prework: None This is the American Heart Association for Responders course which fulfills the requirement for NM Firefighter CPR through NM Emergency Medical Technician – Paramedic. Instructor Contact Time: 8hrs Course Description: Responder First Aid Prerequisites: None Prework: None his is the American Heart Association for Responders course which fulfills the requirement for NM Firefighter First Aid through NM Emergency Medical Technician – Paramedic. Instructor Contact Time: 4hrs |
Course Description:
Hazmat Awareness/Refresher Prerequisites: None Prework:None Hazmat Awareness/Refresher -- The Hazmat Awareness course is the 8-hour class that is required for Otero County Fire Fighter 1 Qualification. It is NOT the IFSAC course that is a Pre-Req for IFSAC Fire Fighter 1 Certification. It can also serve as the required Annual Hazmat Refresher for all firefighters. Instructor Contact Time: 8hrs. Course Description: S-290- Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior Prerequisites: S-190 Prework: Yes This is a classroom-based skills course designed to prepare the prospective fireline supervisor to undertake safe and effective fire management operations. It is the second course in a series that collectively serves to develop fire behavior prediction knowledge and skills. Fire environment differences are discussed as necessary; instructor should stress local conditions. Instructor Contact Time: 36hrs. Course Description: S-211- Portable Pumps and Water Use Prerequisites: None Prework:None This is an instructor-led course intended to be presented at the local level. The course consists of three skill areas: supply, delivery, and application of water. Students will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of correct water use, basic hydraulics, and equipment care. The field exercise requires set up, operation, and maintenance of pump equipment. To receive credit for this course, students must have field work observed and approved, and take a closed book written final examination. Instructor Contact Time: 16 hrs Course Description: RT-130- Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Prerequisites: None Prework: None Required Annual refresher training provides updated information to Wildland firefighters. Annual Hot Topics and Key objectives in LCES, Fire Orders and Watchout Situations and Fire Shelter use will be reviewed and practiced. Two sessions A-1st weekend, or B-2nd weekend. Instructor Contact Time: 4hrs Course Description: S-236- Heavy Equipment Boss(Single Resource) Prerequisites: Qualified- FFT1 Prework: Yes This is a skill course designed to meet the training needs of a Heavy Equipment Boss on an incident as outlined the PMS 310-1 and the Position Task Book developed for the position. Primary considerations are tactical use and safety precautions required to establish and maintain an effective dozer operation. A field exercise is required as part of the course. Objectives At the successful completion of this course, students will be able to: • Identify the administrative duties and procedures required of a HEQB. • Identify and demonstrate the heavy equipment inspection process and related duties of the HEQB. • Demonstrate the actions required of a heavy equipment boss to safely and effectively complete an assignment. • Discuss relevant information and methods for communication and tactics related to heavy equipment. • Identify the process of preparing for an all hazard assignment. Pre-course work on-line. Instructor Contact Time: 18hrs Course Description: M-410-: Facilitative Instructor Prerequisites: None Prework: Yes This training course is designed to help students become effective facilitative instructors. The purpose of this course is to improve training delivery and quality by presenting instructional methods with an emphasis on student-oriented adult training techniques. This course is designed for students to meet the NWCG instructor requirements. Instructor Contact Time: 35hrs Course Description: ICS-300-: Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents (G 300) Prerequisites: 1S100, IS200, IS700, IS800 Prework: None The Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents course provides training on and resources for personnel who require advanced application of the ICS. This course expands upon information covered in the ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses. Class Name: ICS-300: Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents (G 300) CEUs 1.80 Prerequisites & Other Information: National Incident Management System Overview (IS-700), ICS 100, and ICS 200. Instructor Contact Time: 21hrs Course Description: ICS-400: Advanced Incident Command System, Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents (G 400) Prerequisites: 1S100, IS200, IS700, IS800, ICS300 Prework: Yes Course Description: This course provides training on and resources for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). This course expands upon information covered in the ICS 100 through ICS 300 courses, which are prerequisites for ICS 400. Selection Criteria: The target audience for this course is senior personnel who are expected to perform in a management capacity in an Area Command or Multi-Agency Coordination Entity. Course Objectives: Explain how major incidents engender special management challenges. Describe the circumstances in which an Area Command is established. Describe the circumstances in which Multi-Agency Coordination Systems are established. Class Name: ICS-400: Advanced Incident Command System, Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents (G 400) Date Span: 03/21/2020- 03/22/2020 Prerequisites & Other Information: Prerequisites Prerequisite Courses: E0300 IS0100.b IS0200.b IS0700.a IS0800.c Other Prerequisites: Recommended: Experience using concepts and principles from ICS 100, ICS 200, and ICS 300 and use of skills in an operational environ. Instructor Contact Time: 16hrs Course Description: Vehicle Extrication Prerequisites: None Prework: None Vehicle Extrication -- This is NOT the full IFSAC Extrication class. It is designed as an introduction to extrication for new fighters and as a refresher for experienced firefighters. It will focus on the BASICS of working an extrication scene -- from arrival and walk around to using tools of all kinds. Since every extrication scene is unique, class room discussion will focus on students sharing experience on various scenes with emphasis on what worked well as well as what, in retrospect, could have been done more efficiently. Most of the class time will be spent hands-on using a variety of types of tools and discussion of different techniques that can be used in various situations. Instructor Contact Time: 16hrs. |